Class Mass Celebration.

Today we had a special celebration Mass with our families.  It was an exciting day because we were celebrating the special gifts and talents that we have.  Father Michael was very impressed with our singing and reading.  Our families were proud too.  Many of our grandparents came and we were very happy that they could come.  We had a special morning tea and we helped to serve the food.  Ms. Tieppo and Mrs. Mosbauer were so impressed with our lovely manners.


What was the best thing about our celebration today?

What special gifts and talents do you have?

Pancake Tuesday

Today it was “Shrove Tuesday” or “Pancake Tuesday”.  We learned about the tradition of using up all the special things like eggs, milk and butter before the season of Lent arrived. 

It was fun helping to mix the pancake batter.  Cathy came to help us out with the cooking of the pancakes.  We got to choose the topping that we liked.  Some of the toppings included honey, lemon, sugar and maple syrup.

What is your favourite pancake topping?  What did you like about making pancakes?

Riley’s Birthday and House Colour Team Day!

On Friday, it was a double celebration day. It was Riley’s birthday and we also dressed up in our house team colours. It was a special day because we got to have some fun. Ms. Tieppo made chocolate cup cakes and Riley brought along some chocolate frogs. We sang Happy Birthday to Riley and gave him lots of claps and special stickers.

 Here is a record of our day!

 Riley’s Birthday and House Colour Team Day! on PhotoPeach

We also found out about our new House Team captains at a special school assembly. They told us a little bit about themselves and then we got a chance to cheer for our teams. Mr. Zac and Mrs. Stewart gave each team points for their behaviour and organisation. This week everyone in our school will start collecting house points for their team. At the end of each term, the house team colour with the most points get a special reward.

How do you like to celebrate your birthday?

How could you collect some points for your house colour team?

We Have Changed Address!

We have finally moved from our “Windows into 2T” blog to our new “Windows Into Learning”.  It has taken me a while to move everything across!  I hope that we can reconnect with lots of our old friends.

Please make sure that you update your bookmark for “Windows Into Learning” and at the same time subscribe to our blog so that you can receive an email every time we post something new.