Our Mums!

Today we thought about our Mums and how special they are in our lives.  Ms. Tieppo asked us to write something that we like about our Mums.  Here are our responses. 

I love it when you cuddle me at night.  by Emma

My Mum is special because she cares for me.  By Daniel Re.

I love my beautiful and wonderful Mum because she makes me happy all the time.  By Victoria

I love my Mum because she takes care of me when I’m sick and buys me footy cards and clothes.  By Roman

I love you because you take care of me and everything else.  By Harry

My Mum is special to me because she takes care of me when I’m hurt.  By Bridie

My Mum is special because she barracks for Collingwood.  By Nathan S.

I love you because you give me everything.  By Anthony

I Love you because you make pancakes for Oli and I. By Sebastian

I love my Mum when she cooks yummy food.  By Michael

My Mum is special because she makes my lunch.  By William

You are special because you take care of me and you love me.  By Megan

My Mum is special to me when she hugs me at night and kisses me.  By Hannah

Thank you for loving me.  By Daniel Ro.

My Mum is special because she loves me and cares for me.  By Jacob

I Like you Mama.  From Nathan W.

I love you when you give me hugs and kisses.  By Alessio

I love my Mum because she kisses me.  By Chantelle

I love you because you love me. By Ava

Thank you for taking me out.  By Sophie

I love my Mum because she takes care of me.  By Faith

I love you when you hug and kiss me.  By Ella

I love you because you are special to me.  By Renee


 A Very Happy Mother’s Day to all the mums, aunties and  grandmothers. 

Enjoy your day!

What is the best thing about your Mum?



7 thoughts on “Our Mums!

  1. Dear Mrs Tieppo and 2tm
    I know what is special about my mum she loves to help me with my homework especially this week when I have to make pavalovas for the class and my teacher to share together. A couple of weeks ago I had my first cross country I came 9th out of 32 people.from Grace Thistlethwayte

    • Hi Grace,

      Great to hear from you again. You are very lucky to have such a great Mum. I bet those pavlovas will be delicious. What a great homework task!
      Congratulations on your achievements with the cross country. You must be so proud of your result. Keep up the great work Grace!

      From Ms. Tieppo

  2. Dear Mrs Tieppo, Mrs Mosbauer and 2TM,

    Great comments about your mum’s! I think my mum is all those wonderful things!

    Oscar 🙂

    • Hi Oscar,

      Thanks for visiting again. I think the comments about Mums are great too. You are very lucky to have such a beautiful Mum too. How is the holiday going?

      From Ms. Tieppo

  3. Thank you to all the children of 2 TM.
    What a joy to read your special messages about your Mums.

    Heather (William’s Mum)

  4. Hi Marisa,

    It was nice to see a great Mum coming into our Blog. I was also very touched by many of 2TM’s thoughts on their Mums. They really do appreciate all you do for them.

    Keep up the great work!

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